Friday, September 19, 2014

Bitter Leaf (Daun Sambiloto)

Bitter (Andrographis paniculata) is typical of the region teropis plants that can grow anywhere. Bitter leaf is used for various purposes. This bitter leaf contains compounds andrographolide. This compound is bitter, but it has heart protecting properties. The studies proved that these compounds are able to protect the liver from negative effects galaktosamin and paracetamol. These compounds also play a major role in decreasing CDK4 enzyme that suppresses the growth of cancer cells. Andrographolide compounds are also potent immune leave.
Bitter plant commonly used as a drug to prevent the formation of inflammation, smoothen urine, decrease body heat, upset stomach, diabetes and exposure to toxins, lowers blood pressure. In addition to the efficacy Bitter very much, this plant also contains a very important role in health among which potassium, alkaloids, flavonoids, calcium, sodium, resin, alkane and ketone. After the above explanation regarding the content, Efficacy Bitter, this time information about Paniculata Leaves for Health Benefits will be further explained. And indeed better without having a long talk, just you all see on Bitter For Health Benefits below.
Lowering Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Sambiloto is a plant that has efficacy in health, selaim the content of potassium in the form of bitter useful to overcome the problem of blood pressure, why? Because the potassium content of this work to remove water and salts in the blood stream in order to cope with Hypertension.
If you kill the bacteria injured by falling and hit by a sharp object scratches, Sambiloto is very helpful in treating wounds. The content of alkaloids contained in
Bitter very useful for killing bacteria present in the wound.
Anti Virus With the flavonoid content in the
Bitter, it is useful to protect the body structure. It also flavoid also prevent bone loss, serves as an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. Thus flavonoid shown to inhibit the effectiveness of microorganisms, so it can be used as an anti-virus, such as HIv virus and herpes.
Treating Cancer In addition to anti-virus, flavonoid content also works to treat cancer and cancer mecegah. In addition, the content is useful for treating asthma, cataracts, diabetes, arthritis, migraine, hemorrhoids.
Maintaining Bone And Tooth Structure Potassium content contained in Sambiloto is useful to maintain the process of formation of bones and teeth.
Keeping Balance Body Fluids In The usefulness of sodium to the body that prevents extracellular fluid content due to the decrease in the osmotic pressure in the body decreases. In addition to the decreased fluid also affects blood pressure and decreases.

Full benefits of bitter leaf: anti-HIV, anti-edema, inhibitor / core destroyer cancer, antibacterial, antidote, anti-infective / anti-biotic / anti-virus, anti-cancer, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, improve the glands of the body, minerals potassium / sodium / asamkersik, diabetes, acute inflammation of the kidneys, throat, tonsils, lungs, bladder cells, hypertension, hepatitis, eczema, asthma, hepato protector, gonorrhea, poisoning. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lung Disease (Penyakit Paru-Paru)

Lung disease is a contagious disease that can be cured. Lungs organ is basically `essential for human life. Particularly in the respiratory system of human functioning. Served as a place of exchange of oxygen in the human need and remove carbon dioxide which is the result of residual respiratory process that must be issued by the body, so the body's need for oxygen will remain unfulfilled. The air is very important for humans, do not breathe oxygen for a few minutes can menyembabkan death. important role that the lungs. 
The symptoms are easily recognizable body shaking and chills accompanied with fever, shortness of breath and chest pain. Other symptoms that often arises is body ache, headache and cough with phlegm that gets worse over the years.

Some people are susceptible to lung disease, among others, smokers, consumption alkhohol, diabetics, heart patients, working in an environment that is exposed to pollution, and decreased immunity such as AIDS patients.
Symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or pain in the chest area might indicate that there is something wrong with your lungs. With his detecting faster, this will help keep the disease from getting old and getting worse.

Disorders in the lungs can be derived from lung disease in the organ itself or derived from other organs, such as its:

     Abnormalities in the kidneys
     The spread of cancer
     Abnormalities of severe heart failure
     Abnormalities in liver

Here are the characteristics of those affected by lung disease commonly found in sufferers:

     Backs bent shape
     Body care
     easily tired
     chest pain
     shortness of breath
     Body heat
     Decreased appetite
     Night sweats
     Persistent cough for more than 2 weeks usually accompanied by phlegm
     Sometimes coughing blood 

Common Symptoms
  • Not withstanding the night air, decreased immune system, fatigue, appetite down, weight loss, frequent night sweats, mild fever, prolonged cough, bloody sputum, chest pain, shortness of breath getting heavier.
  • The neck lymph appeared, often nausea and vomiting, chronic gastrointestinal infections.
  • Distress and prolonged stress.
  • In infants, high body heat accompanied seizures increasingly deteriorating (TB bacteria attack the brain / meningitis). 

Note  Bitter leaf is medicinal herbs for healing right lung. For an explanation of bitter leaf click the following linked BITTER LEAF.
  • Healing takes a long time about 6-9 months.
  • Avoid mouth-infectious, keep the cleanliness and immunization for infants.
  • Eating nutritious foods, avoid drinking ice, subtract and multiply sugar break.
  • Stop smoking, moderate exercise, good ventilation and fresh air.